[mew-dist 22718] Re: uidlについて

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
2002年 12月 25日 (水) 16:47:40 JST

From: nara at example.com
Subject: [mew-dist 22717] Re: uidlについて

> こちらで利用しているのは qmailですが、lockされていません。一度に複数ユー
> ザが入れてしまいます。(といっても同じユーザですが)これが原因でしょう
> か。

RFC 1939 では、クライアントの認証が終ったら maildrop を lock しろと書
かれています。ので、お使いの POP サーバが仕様にそっていないことになり

   Once the POP3 server has determined through the use of any
   authentication command that the client should be given access to the
   appropriate maildrop, the POP3 server then acquires an exclusive-
   access lock on the maildrop, as necessary to prevent messages from
   being modified or removed before the session enters the UPDATE state.
   If the lock is successfully acquired, the POP3 server responds with a
   positive status indicator.  The POP3 session now enters the
   TRANSACTION state, with no messages marked as deleted.  If the
   maildrop cannot be opened for some reason (for example, a lock can
   not be acquired, the client is denied access to the appropriate
   maildrop, or the maildrop cannot be parsed), the POP3 server responds
   with a negative status indicator.  (If a lock was acquired but the
   POP3 server intends to respond with a negative status indicator, the
   POP3 server must release the lock prior to rejecting the command.)
   After returning a negative status indicator, the server may close the
   connection.  If the server does not close the connection, the client
   may either issue a new authentication command and start again, or the
   client may issue the QUIT command.


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