[mew-int 00620] Re: Sending mail with accents...

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
Tue Dec 11 21:10:04 JST 2001

From: Arnaud Vandyck <arnaud.vandyck at example.com>
Subject: [mew-int 00619] Sending mail with accents...

> I'm running Debian Woody with Emacs  21 and Mew2.1. I did upgrade from
> Mew2.0 to  Mew2.1 and I am not  able to send mail  with french accents
> (with Mew2.0, I was). 

Do you mean that you can send a message with French accents with Mew
2.0 but can't with Mew 2.1?

Or just asking how to input French letters?


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