[mew-int 00627] Re: Sending mail with accents...

Tatsuya Kinoshita tats at example.com
Thu Dec 13 08:12:35 JST 2001

In message [mew-int 00619], on Tue, 11 Dec 2001,
Arnaud Vandyck <arnaud.vandyck at example.com> wrote:

> I'm running Debian Woody with Emacs  21 and Mew2.1. I did upgrade from
> Mew2.0 to  Mew2.1 and I am not  able to send mail  with french accents
> (with Mew2.0, I was). 
> Can someone have  an idea how I can configure Mew  (or Emacs?) to send
> accents? 
> The result of 'e is ... 

I can send `èéê' on Debian GNU/Linux sid i386.  I'm using
kernel 2.4.16, libc6 2.2.4-7, and these packages:

ii  emacs21        21.1-7         The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacs21-el     21.1-7         GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files.
ii  emacsen-common 1.4.13         Common facilities for all emacsen.
ii  mew            2.1.0-1        Messaging in the Emacs World
ii  mew-bin        2.1.0-1        Message scanner and MIME encoder/decoder

Maybe this mail is encoded with `iso-8859-1'.  I don't know why
your message has a liking for `utf-8'.

Does anybody know the cause of this problem?

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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