[mew-int 00633] Re: Sending mail with accents...

Arnaud Vandyck arnaud.vandyck at example.com
Thu Dec 13 19:56:54 JST 2001

Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com> wrote:

> In message [mew-int 00631], on Thu, 13 Dec 2001,
> Arnaud Vandyck <arnaud.vandyck at example.com> wrote:
> > How did you send mail in iso-8859-1? 
> If I reply (`A') to [mew-int 00627], and `C-c C-m', then mail is
> queued.  It is encoded with iso-8859-1 automatically. 

Not! I do exactly the same but I can not read the accents in +queue :(

> I recommend you to try default setting or simple .emacs.

I'll  try  this   and  see  if  it's  OK,  then   see  where  are  the

Thank you. 

-- Arnaud, STE-Formations Informatiques, fapse, ULg, .BE

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