[mew-int 00608] make info -> cannot load file: texinfmt

Marty Cawthon mrc at example.com
Thu Nov 29 13:58:34 JST 2001


1)  I successfully installed mew-2.1 on FreeBSD for (2) machines
    by following the '00readme' instructions distributed with mew.

2)  I tried to install mew-2.1 on NetBSD (1.5.2) in the same way.

'make' seemed to be successful, but 'make info' has this problem:
ad: {25} make info
cd info; make info EMACS=xemacs-21.1.14
sed -e 's/@setfilename mew.jis.info/@setfilename mew.info/'  -e 's/@set jp/@set us/' mew.texi > tmp.texi
mv tmp.texi mew.texi
rm -f mew.info*
touch mew.info
xemacs-21.1.14 -batch -q -no-site-file -l texinfmt  -f batch-texinfo-format mew.texi

xemacs exiting.Cannot open load file: texinfmt
*** Error code 255

*** Error code 1

ad: {26} 

  The complaint is "Cannot open load file: texinfmt"
I have looked for that file on my NetBSD machine and have not found it.
Also I looked for that file on my FreeBSD machine and could not find it.

3) I then tried 'make install' to try to get the code installed and worry
   about the 'info' for the target NetBSD machine later,  but 'make install'
   makes this complaint:

ad: {27} make install
make: don't know how to make mew-addrbook.elc. Stop
ad: {28} 

  Perhaps it is due to the failure of 'make info' above?

4) Note: NetBSD has a "package" for mew-2.1 but this package has GNU-Emacs
   as a dependency.  GNU-Emacs is fine, but I use Xemacs, so I don't use the
   NetBSD pkg-src because I don't want to install GNU-Emacs.

  Any suggestions will be welcome.
Mew is very useful and enjoyable software.
I often encourage others to try it.

			    Marty Cawthon
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