[mew-int 01200] Re: Possible bug in IMAP Support

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
Mon Dec 9 22:05:49 JST 2002

From: "Jason L. Shiffer" <jshiffer at example.com>
Subject: Re: [mew-int 01194] Re: Possible bug in IMAP Support

> If I open the raw msg file 50 (or larger) each line is followed by ^M, 
> however this is not the case for msg 49 an below.

OK. I guess that messages over 50 are stored in a wrong format in your

(Q1) Can you login your IMAP server and see the messages directory?
     What is different between msg 49 and msg 50 on the server?

(Q2) Can you access your IMAP server by a different mail reader? Can
     it handle msg 50 correctly?


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