[mew-int 01209] Re: Possible bug in IMAP Support

Jason L. Shiffer jshiffer at example.com
Tue Dec 10 20:44:56 JST 2002

From: Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) <kazu at example.com>
Subject: [mew-int 01200] Re: Possible bug in IMAP Support
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 22:05:49 +0900 (JST)

> From: "Jason L. Shiffer" <jshiffer at example.com>
> Subject: Re: [mew-int 01194] Re: Possible bug in IMAP Support
> > If I open the raw msg file 50 (or larger) each line is followed by ^M, 
> > however this is not the case for msg 49 an below.
> OK. I guess that messages over 50 are stored in a wrong format in your
> server.

Actually no.  As a test I fiddled mews cache to where I had all but
the last 50 messages fetched.  When I then fetched the last 50
messages the first 49 where ok but the last one had not been

> (Q1) Can you login your IMAP server and see the messages directory?
>      What is different between msg 49 and msg 50 on the server?

I have checked the imap server, courier-imap w/ maildir support, and all of 
the files are fine.  So it is either in transmition or conversion.

> (Q2) Can you access your IMAP server by a different mail reader? Can
>      it handle msg 50 correctly?

Yes, mutt and netscape both work fine.  I stepped into Mail/.imap/<server>/inbox 
and stripped the ^M from the file (perl -pi -e "s/\r\n/\n/g" <files>) and the messages 
are now readable in mew.


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