[mew-int 01223] Re: iso-8859-15 (aka Latin-0 or Latin-9)

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
Fri Dec 13 17:04:49 JST 2002

From: Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com>
Subject: [mew-int 01220] Re: iso-8859-15 (aka Latin-0 or Latin-9)

> > UnicodeData.txt tells me that EURO SIGN has code point 20AC. I'm quite
> > confused why 0100-24ff is chosen. Or, is this encoded with UTF-8?
> I don't know well...  Anyway, the mule-unicode charset can be
> used with the mule-utf-8 coding system in GNU Emacs 21.

I understand that mule-unicode-0100-24ff is a subset of Unicode, which
can contain Unicode range from 0100 to 24ff (Latin letters).

I'm now looking for a mechanism to determine an appropriate legacy
character set (e.g. Latin-1) from mule-unicode-0100-24ff. 

If you know any, please let me know.


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