[mew-int 01135] about mailto and mew

Serge Basterot serge.basterot at example.com
Mon Oct 28 19:27:35 JST 2002


I would like  to know how to launch a  mew-draft for compose message
by clicking mailto on web pages. I use galeon and I put this line in
the preferences window  : emacs --eval '(mail nil  "%t" "%s")', but,
of course, it is not corresponding  with what I want. I searched for
replacing "mail" by  differents "mew-*", but I didn't  find the good
one. Does someone know which line I have to put ?

Thanks for your help,

Serge Basterot				http://serge.basterot.free.fr
	328A 518D F1A1 637B 4C4C  DDCB 2C37 293A BC8C 7254
		"Foris ut mores, intus ut libet"

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