[mew-int 01802] Re: windows-125x and UTF-8 questions

Serge Basterot serge.basterot at example.com
Fri Mar 26 19:04:18 JST 2004

Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com> wrote:

Excuse-me I'm responding very late.

> > To define charset  names windows-125x, use (require 'code-pages)
> > instead of (codepage-setup 1250).

Yes that's better like this :-)

> Note that the code-pages feature is not available on Emacs 21.3 or
> previous versions.  It is available on Emacs 21.3.50.

I use 21.3.50 version.

> Emacs  21.3.50  supports  Emacs  coding systems  windows-1251  and
> windows-1252 by default.

Okay, thanks Tatsuya for  the explanation. Nevertheless there is one
character I can't display with a windows-125x encoding, I don't know
if you  can display it.  It's a  combination of the "o"  and the "e"
characters : "Œ".

This is not so important because it is not often use.



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