[mew-int 02016] C-c C-e problem
wl at example.com
Sat Mar 26 16:14:04 JST 2005
[mew 4.2.50]
If I get an HTML-Email, mew shows the big `HTML' letters and offers
C-c C-e to view it. Doing this, I get the message
Function mew-mime-message/rfc822 is not executable here
To make it really work, I must first press `:'.
Perhaps this behaviour can improved.
For reference, I've attached such a mail.
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Tom Gewecke a écrit :
<blockquote cite="midF5FAA5AC-9DA6-11D9-9150-000393C54DF8 at example.com"
On Mar 25, 2005, at 7:19 PM, Patrick Andries wrote:
It's a minor point, because technology often dictates that Navajo is
written with the ascii apostrophe,</blockquote>
<blockquote cite="midF5FAA5AC-9DA6-11D9-9150-000393C54DF8 at example.com"
type="cite"> but U+02BD is what should be used if Unicode capability
is available. Unfortunately the web page referenced is in fact
miscoded in several ways, the author having replaced anything not
available in Latin-1 by something else. Slashed-l becomes lh,
vowel-ogonek becomes vowel-circumflex, vowels with two diacritics
(acute plus ogonek) are ignored, and glottal stop becomes apostrophe.
The same could be said of the apostrophe in French : not the ASCII
value (U+0027) but U+2019 is what should be used if Unicode capability
is available. Reality is there are a lot of pages with U+0027
<blockquote cite="midF5FAA5AC-9DA6-11D9-9150-000393C54DF8 at example.com"
type="cite">Two examples of correctly coded pages are:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://home.att.net/~jameskass/navajotestutf.htm">http://home.att.net/~jameskass/navajotestutf.htm</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://homepage.mac.com/thgewecke/navajotest.html">http://homepage.mac.com/thgewecke/navajotest.html</a>
Cheating, two subscribers to this list ;-)<br>
Just for fun (in Unicode but with U+0027 ‒ I searched for ba'áłchíní
or <span style="font-size: 12pt;"><i>dootł'ishii</i></span>, etc. all
using ł) <br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.blankslate.net/bom/moroni.php">http://www.blankslate.net/bom/moroni.php</a><br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.historyofreligions.com/cw-ch5.htm">http://www.historyofreligions.com/cw-ch5.htm</a> (doot&<span
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.answers.com/topic/navajo-language">http://www.answers.com/topic/navajo-language</a> (di'nisbąąs)<br>
I wonder if any author uses U+2019.<br>
P. A.<br>
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