[mew-int 2359] Re: A question from a newbie of mew

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
Thu Oct 11 15:47:02 JST 2007


> Can you move these field up to the "Subject" field ?
> That will make these field hide at the first open a message.

You can hide them by setting mew-field-spec. But I don't recommend you
to configure this variable by yourself.

Instead, please use Mew 5.2.51 or the HEAD of CVS. 
With these version, Authentication-Results: appears
only when authentication fails.

Received-SPF is an obsoleted field. I wonder why this field is used
now. But if this is a real problem, I will include it to
mew-field-spec in the next release.


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