[mew-int 2485] Re: mew-expand-address wishes
bzg at example.com
Tue Apr 29 00:56:35 JST 2008
Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com> writes:
> submitted by Danai SAE-HAN (danai.sae-han at edpnet.be):
> | http://www.mew.org/rc/info/mew_28.html.en#SEC28 explains that
> | M-TAB will expand the email address to its full name:
> | user's full name <email at example.com>.
> |
> | However, the shortcut has never worked on my computer. I'm using
> | a Belgian AZERTY keyboard, and M is the "Alt Gr" key or the "right
> | alt" key.
> NOTE: `M-TAB' conflicts with flyspell-mode and window managers.
Maybe TAB is enough here?
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