[mew-int 2674] Re: Why Mew always choose ISO-2022-JP-2 to send mails ? 牛

Harald Hanche-Olsen hanche at example.com
Sat Jan 24 18:18:11 JST 2009

+ vvoody <vvoody at example.com>:

> Mew ^_^
> In the end of subject of this mail, there was a Chinese
> character. But as you can see, it was encoded by ISO-2022-JP-2 not
> GB2312 or UTF-8. So that, the recipients will see the gibberish :(

And as you can see, my mew encoded it as UTF-8.

> GNU Emacs (GTK+ Version 2.12.12)
> I also have Emacs 22.2.3 installed on my system. When I ran Mew on
> 22, Mew chosen GB2312 to send my Chinese mails correctly.

I have GNU Emacs (powerpc-apple-darwin9.5.0, NS
apple-appkit-949.35) of 2008-11-29.

I have these settings in my .mew.el:

(setq mew-ask-charset '("us-ascii" "iso-8859-1" "iso-8859-15" "utf-8"))
(setq mew-internal-utf-8p t)
(setq mew-cs-database-for-encoding
	 nil "7bit" "7bit")
	((ascii iso-8859-1)
	 iso-8859-1 "8bit" "Q")
	((ascii latin-iso8859-1)
	 iso-8859-1 "quoted-printable" "Q")
	(nil utf-8 "base64" "Q")))

But please note that my .mew.el is quite old, it has been through
innumerable versions of mew as well as emacs, so I don't know if all
of the above is relevant anymore. I generally only go in and fix
things when they break.  8-)  In particular, I expect you can ignore
the mew-cs-database-for-encoding bit: I think I put it there because
the vast majority of my mail is latin-1, and I wanted 8-bit encoding
for the benefit of my many correspondents who, many years ago, used
mail programs that didn't understand MIME. (But I am including it
anyhow just in case it helps.)

+ Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com>:

> BTW, Emacs 23 is drastically changed from Emacs 22, and Mew has not
> yet been well tested with it.  At this time, Emacs 23 isn't a
> recommendable version for Mew.

While this may be true, I have had very few problems with it. Emacs 23
is getting better and more stable all the time, and if I understand
recent noises on the emacs-devel list right, it is soon ready for the
official pretest phase.

- Harald

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