[mew-int 2973] unread mark

maxigas maxigas at example.com
Thu Mar 3 05:55:07 JST 2011


i just downloaded current beta and noticed this behaviour:

if mails are read in a virtual folder (for example the
result of a search), than the "U" mark remains on them in
the "normal" view of the folder.

i don't know when the U mark should disappear, because as
far as i know folder views are only updated in response to

maybe Mew could check and remove U marks from "normal" folders
when a virtual folder is closed.

maxigas | kiberpunk

naturamque novat

PGP key: http://maxigas.hu/maxigas.gpg
Fingerprint: EE2E D824 B5C3 4544 C2B8  B75F 2183 52B5 8EC1 57C1

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