[mew-int 00996] Re: Retrieving Word Docs in Multipart

Charles Muller acmuller at example.com
Tue Jul 9 17:17:15 JST 2002

Brian wrote:

> If you are running a version of linux(?) then have you seen crossover
> (www.codeweavers.com). They have a commercial release of wine that
> works quite well. I have the plugins version which enables me to run
> wordview, excelview and powerpointview.

I had tried the evaluation of their Win4Lin product, finding it to be
pretty good. But after 30 days, I didn't buy it, simply because I was
not using it that often. Since the plug-in is free though (I think), I
think I'll download it and give it a try. It sounds useful.

Thanks much for the suggestion,


Charles Muller  <acmuller at example.com>
Faculty of Humanities,  Toyo Gakuen University
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJKV-English Dictionary 

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